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Webmin > Servers > MySQL Database Server

Backup Databases button at the bottom

Backup to directory > /backups

Create destination directory? YES

Compression format: NONE

Scheduled backup enabled? YES

Simple > Daily at Midnight


Webmin > System > File System Backup

Add a new backup of directory > /var/www (or your dir that you use)

Host: FTP hosting url

User/Pass: obvious

Set to FTP

File of Device = /ftpserverpathandfolder/wwwservername.%d.tar.gz (this will keep the file name different for every day or time it runs)

Compress archive? = yes gzip

Scheduled backup enabled? = Enabled at time below

Hours = 2

Save and backup now


Webmin > System > File System Backup

Add a new backup of directory > /backups (or your dir that you chose above)

Host: FTP hosting url

User/Pass: obvious

Set to FTP

File of Device = /ftpserverpathandfolder/sqlservername.%d.tar.gz (this will keep the file name different for every day or time it runs)

Compress archive? = yes gzip

Scheduled backup enabled? = Enabled at time below

Hours = 1

Save and backup now
